'Declaration Public Function GroupJoin (Of TInner,TKey,TResult)( _ ByVal inner As IObservableSource(Of TInner), _ ByVal outerKeySelector As Expression(Of Func(Of T,TKey)), _ ByVal innerKeySelector As Expression(Of Func(Of TInner,TKey)), _ ByVal resultSelector As Expression(Of Func(Of T,GroupView(Of TKey,TInner),TResult)) _ ) As View(Of TResult)
- inner
- The collection (usually, a view) to join to this view.
- outerKeySelector
- A function to extract the join key from each element of this view.
- innerKeySelector
- A function to extract the join key from each element of the second view.
- resultSelector
- A function to create a result view from an element from this view and a collection of matching elements from the second view.
Type Parameters
- TInner
- The type of the elements of the view to join with this view.
- TKey
- The type of the keys returned by the key selector functions.
- TResult
- The type of the result elements.
Return Value
A view containing elements of type TResult that are obtained by performing a grouped join on two views.